people around a fire

Grief Support

For people who want to honor significant endings to honor and transform their relationship to their grief

Tell me…

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you navigating a loss or a change in your life and feeling the grief of what is no longer? 

  • Are you adjusting to your new reality? And maybe trying to keep busy and move forward but a voice inside keeps coming back to all that has shifted? 

  • Your loss keeps calling for your attention and you know you need to give it some air time

  • You want to honor it and make space for it, but you aren’t quite sure how to do it without getting lost or consumed

  • Maybe a relationship ended, or someone died, or you got sick, or you moved. Maybe you became a parent or graduated or are navigating the declining health of aging parents, family members, or partners

No matter what loss you’ve faced, you know you don’t want to keep trying to manage it all alone.

I really hear you, honey. You are in the right place!

Personalized grief support is for people who want to experience catharsis, connection, and direction, and to feel guided and exquisitely supported in the process


  • You are navigating a loss or change and want to invest in more personalized support

  • You desire to feel some relief from all the pain you have been carrying

  • You desire to have time and space to really delve into your loss

  • You want to explore the ways it has impacted your life

  • You want to transform your relationship to your grief

  • You desire to lean into the sacred

If this sounds like you, I’m your girl!

Randi Hall smiling at camera
purple butterfly

Together we will find ways to sanctify your loss or create rituals and practices to deepen your connection to what is no longer. Or if it serves you better, we will find ways to help you tend to your loss and longing in community while connecting you to your own sense of direction and purpose on this earth.

We will build you a broader support system so that you can better held while you face your discomfort in service of your growth and healing.

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What’s Included?

4, 6, 9 or 12-Month Packages Available:

  • 3 virtual sessions per month

  • Built-in integration weeks

  • Voxer support throughout the container

  • A discount on my other grief support containers

Ready to finally receive the support you’ve been longing for?