Hi, I am Randi

purple butterfly

I live for getting real with people, honoring our important life experiences, and aligning ourselves with what we are meant to do on this planet.

I value and encourage self-awareness and self-advocacy, clear boundaries, heart-centered communication, and effective conflict resolution skills, as these are the building blocks of increased intimacy, trust, and relational longevity. As a systems thinker, I believe that people do not exist in a vacuum; people become themselves through their life experiences and their relationships with others. One’s internal and external environment set the stage for the direction that his or her life takes, so developing a solid sense of self, authentic connections with others, and a nurturing environment are crucial for a sustainably fulfilling life.

Randi Hall amongst pink flowers

Since childhood, relationships were my greatest motivators and sources of joy and fulfillment. I believe that relationships are one of the most fundamental pieces of human existence. When these connections are built upon strong foundations, they provide protection against future turmoil and create a more compassionate and loving environment both within the relationship and in the broader context of society. 

Grief also chose me long ago for my path and calling. As far back as I can remember I have been navigating loss. The deaths of close family members, relationship losses, changes in home and community, entering into new life phases, and navigating trauma, injuries and illnesses. Throughout my life, grief has also been my greatest teacher and when I became an adult, I set forward on a path toward getting formal training as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Relationship Coach, Grief Support Specialist and a trained Internal Family Systems (IFS) practitioner so that I could work from a place of integrity and confidence in my craft.

I think relationships are one of the most beautiful and fundamental aspects of our existence. My training and experience have enabled me to guide others in beginning and ending relationships with ourselves and others in deeply meaningful ways.  

So often in my life, I was navigating a loss, change, or life transition that I knew I needed to honor and grieve.  I needed support but I didn’t know where to get it. I feared that making space for these experiences would consume me - that I would get stuck in my feelings. I knew my ancestors had processes for this. Ways of honoring these collective rites of passage and individual hurts, but I didn’t have access to them. I felt weighed down by my losses, I felt my life force dimmed. I felt disconnected from myself and others and I felt like a burden to the people I love.

candles in the dark circle

I know that I wasn’t the only one struggling to find support in grieving and moving through those losses.

That’s why I decided to create Realness Rising. I wanted to give other people who are navigating losses a one-stop shop for grief support so that they could have what I did not, attuned and effective guidance all along the way. I also wanted to give people who want to invest in the health and longevity of their relationships a place to land and be guided in the powerful process of building a solid relationship that protects them from future turmoil.

And now…

I work with clients all over the country one-on-one and in group settings. I run retreats, provide trainings for helping professionals, offer virtual programs, and create custom memorials and ceremonies to help people sanctify their relationship beginnings and endings.

On a lighter note, I have a windchime collection, I play the egg shaker, I love deep human connection, travel, and gathering in the woods around a fire. I am super creative and also love to float and swim in large bodies of water.