Intentional Relationship Endings Workshop

A guided gathering to grieve breakups, divorces, and relationship endings

purple butterfly

Are you going through a breakup, divorce or navigating the end of a relationship?

Grief comes up with changes or endings in relationships — which can also cue shifts in identity, loss of home or safety, and grief over plans for the future, among other things. And where loss lies, grief lies with it.

Your grief is sacred and deserves our exquisite attention. When you allow it and open your heart, it can also be your greatest teacher. That said, it is not possible to heal your grief alone. The healing happens when you are witnessed in community. 

When you make space to process the grief around a relationship ending, you then create space for healing and the ability to move forward into the next chapter in a more wholesome way.

Come as you are. You will be seen and honored in all of your beautiful complexity. You do not have to hold it all alone. And you’re so worth it.

Randi Hall smiling in blue dress

You Belong

No matter where you are at in your process of ending your relationship — whether your relationship ending is romantic, platonic, or familial — your feelings are welcome in this space.

The Intentional Relationship Endings Workshop will happen both in person and virtually.

You will process feelings related to your relationship ending, and leave with a deeper sense of connection to yourself and your next chapter.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Share your story of loss and the impact

  • Meet others who are navigating the end of a relationship (breakup, divorce, etc.)

  • Connect in the large group and in smaller groups

  • Learn ways to process and heal grief that comes up with a relationship ending, breakup, or divorce

  • Integrate through art making, writing, and embodied movement

Warning: You may experience catharsis. You may run up against discomfort. You may feel revitalized. And (gasp!) You might even enjoy yourself. 

Want to claim your spot in the Intentional Relationship Endings Workshop?

Save Your Seat

Are you ready to join the Intentional Endings Workshop?

Psst…Do not let money be a barrier.
If the cost is prohibitive, reach out to me and we’ll figure it out. <3

Virtual Workshop

1 PM - 6 PM EST

The virtual workshop will be held on August 17, 2024.

In-Person Workshop

1 PM - 6 PM EST

The in-person workshop will be held on August 18, 2024.